Aydin Sezgin


Raum: ID 2/353
Tel.: +49 (0)234/32-29849
E-Mail: Aydin.Sezgin@rub.de


Aydin Sezgin  (S'01-M'05--SM'13) received the Dipl.Ing. (M.S.) degree in communications engineering from Technische Fachhochschule Berlin (TFH), Berlin, in 2000, and the Dr. Ing. (Ph.D.) degree in electrical engineering from TU Berlin, in 2005.

From 2001 to 2006, he was with the Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, Berlin. From 2006 to 2008, he held a postdoctoral position, and was also a lecturer with the Information Systems Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. From 2008 to 2009, he held a postdoctoral position with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA. From 2009 to 2011, he was the Head of the Emmy-Noether- Research Group on Wireless Networks, Ulm University. In 2011, he joined TU Darmstadt, Germany, as a professor. He is currently a professor of information systems and sciences with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany.

He is interested in signal processing, communication, and information theory, with a focus on wireless networks. He has published several book chapters more than 70 journals and 200 conference papers in these topics. He has coauthored a book on multi-way communications. Aydin is a winner of the ITG-Sponsorship Award, in 2006. He was the first recipient of the prestigious Emmy-Noether Grant by the German Research Foundation in communication engineering, in 2009. He has coauthored papers that received the Best Poster Award at the IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, in 2011, the Best Paper Award at ICCSPA, in 2015, and the Best Paper Award at ICC, in 2019. Since 2023, he is Editor-in-Chief for the Springer Journal on Wireless Personal Communications. He has served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2009-2014), and as an area editor for the Elsevier Journal of Electronics and Communications (2010-2011). He was also the General Co-chair of the 2018 International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, the program co-chair of  the 2019 Crowncom Conference, and the workshop co-chair of the 2022 WCNC workshop on rate-splitting and next generation multiple access.

Curriculum Vitae

seit 2011 

Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Professor of Electrical Engineering


Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Professor of Electrical Engineering

2011 - 2009 

University of Ulm, DFG Emmy-Noether Young Research Group Leader

2009 - 2008

University of California at Irvine, Postdoc

2008 - 2006

Stanford University, Postdoc

2006 - 2000

Technische Universitaet Berlin and Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, PhD student and Postdoc

2000 - 1996

Technische Fachhochschule Berlin, Student for Communication Engineering



In addition to the courses I am teaching at the moment, I have taught the following courses in the past for both higher education entities and companies (in an en bloc fashion)

Coding for wireless channels (German)

Space-Time Wireless Communications (English)

Applied Information Theory (English)

Statistical Signal Processing (English)

Advanced Topics in Wireless Communications (English)

Network Information Theory (English)

Internet of Things (German)

Advanced Digital Signal Processing (German)

Introduction to Wireless Communications (English)

Network Planning (English)

Machine Learning (English)

Research Interests


Multiple Antenna Systems (MIMO)

Coding for Multiple Antenna Wireless Channels

Interference Networks

Interference Alignment

Random Access

(Robust) Beamforming Strategies

In-band Full-Duplex Communication with Self-Interference Cancellation

Delay-Limited and Low-Latency Communication

Multi-way channels

Relay Networks

Cross-Layer Optimization

Internet of Things

Device-to-Device and Machine-to-Machine Communication

Caching for 5G networks

Cloud-Radio Access Networks

Joint Source and Channel Coding


Visible Light Communications (VLC)

Physical Layer Security

Software Defined Radios

Localization and Radar

Joint MIMO Communication and Short-Range Radar design


Gesture recognition

Connected Cars

Multi-way Communications

An Information Theoretic Perspective

Multi-Way Full-Duplex Communication and Cooperation

Foundations and Trends® in Communications and Information Theory

now publishers inc.

Past Ph.D. and Graduated Post-Doctoral

Name Year Link
Anas Chaaban 2013 UBC
Soheyl Gherekhloo 2017 Bosch
Ali Karmininezhad 2019 Linkedin
Hendrik Vogt 2019 LinkedIn
Zohaib Awan 2020 LinkedIn



Theory is the first term in the Taylor series expansion of practice.

- T. Cover

The wireless channel is a complicated animal.

- A. Paulraj

In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.

- R. Ahlswede







Equitable Extended Reality via Cooperative NOMA in Decentralized Mobile Edge Computing Systems

R. Reifert | Hayssam Dahrouj | A. Sezgin

2024 - Accepted for presentation at the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers 2024
A Practical Study of Rate-Splitting Multiple Access: Single vs. Multiple Common Messages

R. Reifert | Y. Karacora | David Santiago Viracachá Suárez | Daniel Santiago Robayo Rico | Diego Mauricio Aguilar Mosquera | A. Sezgin

2024 - IEEE 25th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Lucca, Italy
Optimizing Energy Efficiency with RSMA: Balancing Low and High QoS Requirements

S. Sivadevuni | K. Weinberger | A. Sezgin

2024 - Lucca, Italy
Spatial-Domain Wireless Jamming with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

P. Mackensen | P. Staat | S. Roth | A. Sezgin | C. Paar | V. Moonsamy

2024 - arXiv Preprint
Intermittency Versus Path Loss in RIS-aided THz Communication: A Data Significance Approach

Y. Karacora | A. Umra | A. Sezgin

2024 - IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2024, Denver, CO, USA
Robust Communication and Computation using Deep Learning via Joint Uncertainty Injection

R. Reifert | Hayssam Dahrouj | A. Alameer Ahmad | Haris Gacanin | A. Sezgin

2024 - 19th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Integrated Communication and Control Systems: A Data Significance Perspective

S. Roth | Y. Karacora | C. Chaccour | A. Sezgin | W. Saad

2023 - Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun. Workshops (ICC Workshops)
IRS-Assistance with Outdated CSI: Element subset selection for secrecy performance enhancement

C. Li | A. Sezgin

2023 - IEEE International Conference on Communications
Rate-Splitting Enabled Multi-Connectivity in Mixed-Criticality Systems

Y. Karacora | A. Sezgin

2023 - IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)


Fairness Analysis in IRS assisted C-RAN with Imperfect CSI

H. Esmaeili | A. Alameer Ahmad | A. Sezgin

2022 - IEEE Global Communications Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Joint Communication and Computation in Hybrid Cloud/Mobile Edge Computing Networks

R. Reifert | Hayssam Dahrouj | Basem Shihada | A. Sezgin | Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri | Mohamed-Slim Alouini

2022 - 2022 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Robust Transceiver Design for IRS-Assisted Cascaded MIMO Systems

H. Esmaeili | A. Kariminezhad | A. Sezgin

2022 - IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)
Iteratively Reweighted Nuclear Norm based Distortion Compensation for THz-TDS

L. Schäfer | U. Miriya Thanthrige | A. Sezgin

2022 - International Workshop on Mobile Terahertz Systems (IWMTS), Duisburg, Germany.
Energy Efficiency in Rate-Splitting Multiple Access with Mixed Criticality

R. Reifert | S. Roth | A. Alameer Ahmad | A. Sezgin

2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops)
Full-Duplex meets Reconfigurable Surfaces: RIS-assisted SIC for Full-Duplex Radios

S. Tewes | Markus Heinrichs | Paul Staat | Rainer Kronberger | A. Sezgin

2022 - ICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications
Joint Beamforming and Clustering for Energy Efficient Multi-Cloud Radio Access Networks

R. Reifert | A. Alameer Ahmad | Hayssam Dahrouj | A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin | Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri | Mohamed-Slim Alouini

2022 - 2022 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)


IRShield: A Countermeasure Against Adversarial Physical-Layer Wireless Sensing

Paul Staat | Simon Mulzer | S. Roth | Veelasha Moonsamy | A. Sezgin | Christof Paar

2021 - Proc. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P)
On the Impact of Oscillator Phase Noise in an IRS-assisted MISO TDD System

C. Li | A. Sezgin | Zhu Han

2021 - The 25th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2021)
Privacy-Aware Localization Enhancement Based on Intelligent Reconfigurable Surfaces

S. Roth | Roman Bessel | A. Sezgin

2021 - 2021 17th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS)
Kalman filter based MIMO CSI phase recovery for COTS WiFi devices

C. Li | A. Sezgin | Christian Zenger | Jeremy Brauer

2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
Comparison of Non-Destructive Defect Detection Based on Low-Rank, Sparse Matrix Decomposition and Machine Learning

M. Al-Askary | U. Miriya Thanthrige | A. Sezgin | P. Pfeffer | L. Wachter | G. Schober

2021 - EUSIPCO 2021


Event-Based Quality-of-Service Parameter Estimation of a Wireless Channel

Michael Schwung | Y. Karacora | Jan Lunze | A. Sezgin

2020 - 6th International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing (EBCCSP)
Event-Based Collision Avoidance Utilising a Channel Estimation Method

Michael Schwung | S. Roth | Y. Karacora | Jan Lunze | A. Sezgin

2020 - Proc. IFAC World Congress
An Energy-Efficient Event-Based MIMO Communication Scheme for UAV Formation Control

Y. Karacora | A. Sezgin

2020 - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers 2020 (virtual)
Robust transceiver design for full-duplex decode-and-forward relay-assisted MIMO systems

H. Esmaeili | A. Kariminezhad | A. Sezgin

2020 - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers
Deep Autoencoders for DOA Estimation of Coherent Sources Using Imperfect Antenna Array

A. Mostafa Ibrahim Ahmed | Omar Eissa | A. Sezgin

2020 - IWMTS 2020 (virtual)
Passive orbital angular momentum RFID tag based on dielectric resonator arrays

M. Haj Hassan | A. Alhaj Abbas | A. Jiménez Saéz | A. Mostafa Ibrahim Ahmed | B. Sievert | M. Schuessler | A. Rennings | K. Solbach | T. Kaiser | R. Jakoby | A. Sezgin | D.Erni

2020 - IWMTS 2020, July 2-3, Essen, Germany, 2020.
Orbital angular momentum mode order conversion with helically arranged spherical dielectric resonator arrays

M. Haj Hassan | B. Sievert | A. Mostafa Ibrahim Ahmed | A. Alhaj Abbas | A. Rennings | K. Solbach | T. Kaiser | A. Sezgin | D. Erni

2020 - IEEE Workshop 2020/SENSORICA 2020, Mülheim a. d. Ruhr, Germany, 2020.
Remote Short Blocklength Process Monitoring: Trade-off Between Resolution and Data Freshness

S. Roth | Ahmed Arafa | H. Vincent Poor | A. Sezgin

2020 - IEEE ICC 2020, Dublin, Ireland
Distributed Cloud Association and Beamforming in Downlink Multi-Cloud Radio Access Networks

A. Alameer Ahmad | A. Sezgin | . | Hayssam Dahrouj | Anas Chaaban | Mohamed-Slim Alouini | Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri

2020 - International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2019, Dublin, Ireland
Energy Efficiency in C-RAN using Rate Splitting and Common Message Decoding

A. Alameer Ahmad | A. Sezgin | Bho Matthiesen | Eduard Jorswieck

2020 - International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2019, Dublin, Ireland
Power Minimization Via Rate Splitting in Downlink Cloud-Radio Access Networks

A. Alameer Ahmad | A. Sezgin | Hayssam Dahrouj | Anas Chaaban | Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri | Mohamed-Slim Alouini

2020 - International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2020, Dublin, Ireland
Energy Efficiency in C-RAN using Rate Splitting and Common Message Decoding

A. Alameer Ahmad | A. Sezgin | Bho Matthiesen | Eduard Jorswieck

2020 - International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2019, Dublin, Ireland
Supervised learning based super-resolution DoA estimation utilizing antenna array extrapolation

U. Miriya Thanthrige | A. Mostafa Ibrahim Ahmed | A. Sezgin

2020 - VTC2020, Antwerp, Belgium


3D Localization Using a Scalable FMCW MIMO Radar Design

Jo­na­than Wit­tem­ei­er | A. Mostafa Ibrahim Ahmed | A. Sezgin | Nils Pohl

2019 - Gemic 2020, Cottbus, Germany (accepted)
Impact of Spatial Correlation in MIMO Radar

A. Mostafa Ibrahim Ahmed | A. Sezgin | Eduard Jorswieck

2019 - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers 2019 (accepted)
Ensemble-based Learning in Indoor Localization: A Hybrid Approach

S. Tewes | A. Alameer Ahmad | J. Kakar | U. Miriya Thanthrige | S. Roth | A. Sezgin

2019 - Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall), Honolulu, HI, USA
The Need for Ali­gnment in Ra­te-Ef­fi­ci­ent Di­stri­bu­ted Two-Si­ded Se­cu­re Ma­trix Com­pu­ta­ti­on

S. Ebadifar | J. Kakar | A. Sezgin

2019 - International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2019, Shanghai, China
Rate Splitting and Common Message Decoding for MIMO C-RAN Systems

A. Alameer Ahmad | J. Kakar | A. Sezgin

2019 - International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communication (SPAWC) Cannes, France
Towards Optimal Energy Harvesting Receiver Design in MIMO Systems

A. Kariminezhad | A. Sezgin

2019 - IEEE PIMRC 2019, Istanbul, Turkey
Information Detection and Energy Harvesting Trade-off in Multi-User Secure Communication

A. Kariminezhad | Z. Awan | H. Vogt | A. Alameer Ahmad | A. Sezgin

2019 - IEEE SPAWC 2019, Cannes, France
UAV-assisted C-RAN with Rate Splitting under Base Station Breakdown Scenarios

A. Alameer Ahmad | J. Kakar | R. Reifert | A. Sezgin

2019 - International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2019, Shanghai, China
Tera-Hertz Sub-Layer Object Identification Using MCA and Dictionary Learning

U. Miriya Thanthrige | A. Sezgin

2019 - IWMTS 2019, Bad Neuenahr, Germany.


On the Efficiency of Widely Linear Precoding and Symbol Extension in Cellular Uplink

A. Kariminezhad | S. Roth | A. Sezgin | Anas Chaaban

2018 - IEEE PIMRC, Bologna, Italy
Interference Mitigation via Rate-Splitting in Cloud Radio Access Networks

A. Alameer Ahmad | A. Sezgin

2018 - SPAWC 2018, Kalamata, Greece (Invited)
UAV-aided Multi-Way Communications

J. Kakar | A. Chaaban | Vuk Marojevic | A. Sezgin

2018 - International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2018, Bologna, Italy
Delivery Time Minimization in Edge Caching: Synergistic Benefits of Subspace Alignment and Zero Forcing

J. Kakar | A. Alameer Ahmad | A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin | Arogyaswami Paulraj

2018 - International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2018, Kansas City, MO, USA
Delivery Time Minimization in Cache-Assisted Broadcast-Relay Wireless Networks with Imperfect CSI

J. Kakar | A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin | Arogyaswami Paulraj

2018 - SPAWC 2018, Kalamata, Greece
General Rank Beamforming Using High Order OSTBC For Multicasting Networks

David Schenck | Dima Taleb | Marius Pesavento | A. Sezgin

2018 - WSA
The Diversity Multiplexing Tradeoff for Interference Networks

A. Sezgin

2018 - WSA, Bochum, Germany


Optimization framework for baseband functionality splitting in C-RAN

A. Alameer Ahmad | A. Sezgin

2017 - CAMSAP 2017, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles (Invited)
Interference MAC: Impact of Improper Gaussian Signaling on the Rate Region Pareto Boundary

A. Kariminezhad | Anas Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2017 - Accepted for presentation in Eusipco, Kos island, Greece
Fundamental Limits on Latency in Cloud- and Cache-Aided HetNets

J. Kakar | S. Gherekhloo | Z. Awan | A. Sezgin

2017 - ICC 2017, Paris, France
Power Efficiency of Improper Signaling in MIMO Full-Duplex Relaying for K-User Interference Networks

A. Kariminezhad | A. Sezgin | Marius Pesavento

2017 - Accepted for presentation in ICC, Paris, France
Full-Duplex vs. Half-Duplex: Delivery-Time Optimization in Cellular Downlink

A. Kariminezhad | S. Gherekhloo | A. Sezgin

2017 - European Wireless, Dresden, Germany
Resource Cost Balancing with Caching in C-RAN

A. Alameer Ahmad | A. Sezgin

2017 - WCNC 2017, San Francisco, USA
On the Capacity Region of Deterministic Strong IC with Multicast and Secure Unicast Messages

H. Vogt | Z. Awan | A. Sezgin

2017 - 21th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA)
Pareto Boundary for Massive-MIMO-Relay-Assisted Interference Networks: Half-duplex vs. Full-duplex Processing

A. Kariminezhad | Amr Elbassiouni | A. Sezgin

2017 - Accepted for presentation in SCC, Hamburg, Germany
Fundamental Limits on Latency in Transceiver Cache-Aided HetNets

J. Kakar | S. Gherekhloo | A. Sezgin

2017 - ISIT 2017, Aachen, Germany


On deterministic IC with common and private message under security constraints

H. Vogt | Z. Awan | A. Sezgin

2016 - IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP)
The Passive Eavesdropper Affects My Channel: Secret-Key Rates under Real-World Conditions

Christian Zenger | H. Vogt | Jan Zimmer | A. Sezgin | Christof Paar

2016 - IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps)
On SDoF of Multi-Receiver Wiretap Channel With Alternating CSIT

Z. Awan | Abdellatif Zaidi | A. Sezgin

2016 - Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Info. Theory (ISIT), Spain
Energy Harvesting In Cellular Underlay Cognitive Networks: Rate-Energy Trade-off Characterization

A. Kariminezhad | A. Sezgin

2016 - Accepted for presentation in European Wireless, Oulu, Finland
Achieving the optimal DoF with Feedback and mixed CSIT for the 3x2 X-Channel

J. Kakar | Z. Awan | A. Sezgin

2016 - International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS) 2016, Poznan, Poland
Practical Secret-Key Generation by Full-Duplex Nodes with Residual Self-Interference

H. Vogt | K. Ramm | A. Sezgin

2016 - 20th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA)
Cloud Radio Access Networks with Coded Caching

Z. Awan | Z. Awan | A. Sezgin

2016 - 20th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA)


Full-duplex vs. half-duplex secret-key generation

H. Vogt | A. Sezgin

2015 - IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS)
Optimality of Treating Interference As Noise in the IRC: A GDOF Perspective

S. Gherekhloo | A. Sezgin

2015 - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers
On the individual secrecy rate region for the degraded broadcast channel

Y. Chen | O. Ozan Koyluoglu | A. Sezgin

2015 - The 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Info. Theory (ISIT), Hong Kong
Fundamental Limits of Caching in D2D Networks With Secure Delivery

Z. Awan | A. Sezgin

2015 - Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), London, UK
On the Individual Secrecy for Gaussian Broadcast Channels with Receiver Side Information

Y. Chen | O. Ozan Koyluoglu | A. Sezgin

2015 - The IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2015)
When Can a Relay Reduce End-to-End Communication Delay?

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2015 - ICCSPA 2015, Sharjah, UAE, Feb. 2015 (to appear)
Interference Channels with Limited Feedback: Is Topological Interference Management the Best Solution?

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2015 - SCC 2015, Hamburg, Germany, Feb. 2015 (to appear)
On Channel Inseparability and the DoF Region of MIMO Multi-way Relay Channels

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2015 - SCC 2015, Hamburg, Germany, Feb. 2015 (to appear)
On MISO Wiretap Channel with Delayed CSIT and Alternating Topology

Z. Awan | A. Sezgin

2015 - 10th International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding, Hamburg, Germany


A systematic approach for interference alignment in CSIT-less relay-aided X-networks

D. Frank | K. Ochs | A. Sezgin

2014 - 2014 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)
Capacity Region of the Reciprocal Deterministic 3-Way Channel via Delta-Y Transformation

H. Maier | A. Chaaban | R. Mathar | A. Sezgin

2014 - 52nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
Extended Generalized DoF Optimality Regime of Treating Interference as Noise in the X Channel

S. Gherekhloo | A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2014 - proc. of 11th international symposium on wireless communication systems
Resolving Entanglements in Topological Interference Management with Alternating Connectivity

S. Gherekhloo | A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2014 - Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Info. Theory (ISIT), Honolulu, HI, USA
Achievable Secure Degrees of Freedom of MISO Broadcast Channel With Alternating CSIT

Z. Awan | Abdellatif Zaidi | A. Sezgin

2014 - Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Info. Theory (ISIT), Honolulu, HI, USA
On the Achievable Individual-Secrecy Rate Region for Broadcast Channels with Receiver Side Information

Y. Chen | O. Ozan Koyluoglu | A. Sezgin

2014 - Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Info. Theory (ISIT), Honolulu, HI, USA
The Degrees-of-Freedom of Multi-way Device-to-Device Communications is Limited by 2

A. Chaaban | Henning Maier | A. Sezgin

2014 - Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Info. Theory (ISIT), Honolulu, HI, USA
Coordination gains in the cellular uplink with noisy interference

S. Gherekhloo | A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2014 - Proc. of 15th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications SPAWC 2014
Gaussian Wiretap Channels with Correlated Sources: Approaching Capacity Region Within a Constant Gap

Y. Chen | H. Vogt | A. Sezgin

2014 - Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Sydney, Australia
Secret-key generation from wireless channels: Mind the reflections

H. Vogt | A. Sezgin

2014 - Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Sydney, Australia
Simultaneous Diagonalization: On the DoF Region of the K-user MIMO Multi-way Relay Channel

A. Chaaban | K. Ochs | A. Sezgin

2014 - European Wireless 2014, Barcelona, Spain
Wiretap Channel with Correlated Sources

Y. Chen | Ning Cai | A. Sezgin

2014 - Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Topological Interference Management with Alternating Connectivity: The Wyner-Type Three User Interference Channel

S. Gherekhloo | A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2014 - 2014 International Zurich Seminar on Communications, Zurich, Switzerland
Broadcast Channel with Receiver Side Information: Achieving Individual Secrecy

O. Ozan Koyluoglu | Y. Chen | A. Sezgin

2014 - Proc. of International Zurich Seminar on Communications (IZS), Zurich, Switzerland


The generalized degrees of freedom of the interference relay channel with strong interference.

S. Gherekhloo | A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2013 - 51st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing,
The Degrees of Freedom of the MIMO Y-channel

A. Chaaban | K. Ochs | A. Sezgin

2013 - Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Info. Theory (ISIT), Istanbul
Relaying Strategies for the Interference Relay Channel

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2013 - Proc. of the 14th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Cesme, Turkey
Relays for Interference Management: Feedback, Amplification and Neutralization

A. Chaaban | S. Gherekhloo | A. Sezgin

2013 - Proc. of the 14th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Darmstadt, Germany


Cooperation Strategies for the Butterfly Network: Neutralization, Feedback, and Computation

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin | Daniela Tuninetti

2012 - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers
Signal Space Alignment for the Gaussian Y-Channel

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2012 - Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory ISIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
The DoF of the K-user Interference Channel with a Cognitive Relay

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2012 - Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory ISIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
Lattice Coding and the Generalized Degrees of Freedom of the Interference Channel with Relay

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2012 - Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory ISIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
Sub-optimality of Treating Interference as Noise in the Cellular Uplink

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2012 - Proc. of the 16th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas WSA, Dresden, Germany


Capacity Results for a Primary MAC in the Presence of a Cognitive Radio

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2011 - Proc. of the IEEE global communications conference GLOBECOM, Houston, Texas
Secrecy in Broadcast Channels with Receiver Side Information

R. Wyrembelski | A. Sezgin | H. Boche

2011 - Asilomar CSSC 2011, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
On the sum capacity of the Y-Channel

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin | S. Avestimehr

2011 - Proc. of 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
An Extended Etkin-Type Outer Bound on the Capacity of the Gaussian Interference Channel

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2011 - Proc. of 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
Living in symbiosis: On achievable rates of an oblivious interference system and a cognitive system

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2011 - EUSIPCO 2011, Barcelona, Spain
On Gaussian Multiple Access Channels with Interference: Achievable Rates and Upper Bounds

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin | B. Bandemer | A. Paulraj

2011 - MACOM 2011, Trento, Italy
The Capacity Region of the Linear Shift Deterministic Y-Channel

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2011 - IEEE ISIT 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia
Interference Alignment and Neutralization in a Cognitive 3-User MAC-Interference Channel: Degrees of Freedom

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin | .

2011 - IEEE CWIT 2011, BC, Canada
On the Capacity of the 2-user Gaussian MAC Interfering with a P2P Link

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2011 - European Wireless 2011, Vienna, Austria
On the Capacity of a Class of Multi-user Interference Channels

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2011 - International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, Aachen, Germany
Coordinated Beamforming for MIMO Interference Relay Channel with Multiple Stream Transmission

J. Li | A. Sezgin | M. Haardt

2011 - WSA 2011, Aachen, Germany
The Capacity Region of the 3-User Gaussian Interference Channel with Mixed Strong-Very Strong Interference

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2011 - International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, Aachen, Germany


Achievable Rates and Upper Bounds for the Interference Relay Channel

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2010 - 44th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, California
Secrecy in Gaussian MIMO Bidirectional Broadcast Wiretap Channels: Transmit Strategies

S. Al-Sayed | A. Sezgin

2010 - Asilomar SSC 2008, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
Achievable Rates in Two-user Interference Channels with Finite Inputs and (Very) Strong Interference

F. Knabe | A. Sezgin

2010 - Asilomar SSC 2008, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
Bidirectional multi-pair network with a MIMO relay: Beamforming strategies and lack of duality

A. Sezgin | H. Boche | S. Avestimehr

2010 - submitted to Allerton 2010, 48. Allerton Conf. On Comm., Control, and Computing 2010, Monticello, Illinois, USA
Non-Coherent Two-Way Relaying: Rate Bounds for the high SNR Regime

Z. Utkovski | A. Sezgin | J. Lindner

2010 - ISITA 2010, Taichung, Taiwan
The Performance of QPSK in Low-SNR Interference Channels

M. Wiese | F. Knabe | J. G. Klotz | A. Sezgin

2010 - ISITA 2010, Taichung, Taiwan
Antenna Selection Criteria for Interference Alignment

J. G. Klotz | A. Sezgin

2010 - PIMRC 2010, Istanbul, Turkey
From non-causality to causality: degrees of freedom of the interference relay channel

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2010 - 44th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems CISS, Princeton, USA
Transmit Strategies for the MIMO two-way amplify-forward channel with multiple relays and MMSE receiver

E. A. Joswieck | A. Sezgin

2010 - ICASSP 2010, Dallas, TX, USA
Interference Channel with Delay : Noisy interference

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2010 - International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, Bremen, Germany
On the transmit strategy for the interference MIMO relay channel in the low power regime

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2010 - 8th Int. ITG Conf. on Source and Channel Coding, Siegen, Germany


Optimal Use of Antennas in Interference Networks: A Tradeoff between Rate, Diversity and Interference Alignment

A. Sezgin | S. A. Jafar | H. Jafarkhani

2009 - Globecom 2009 in Honululu, HI, USA
Approximate capacity region of the two-pair bidirectional Gaussian relay network

A. Sezgin | A. Khajehnejad | S. Avestimehr | B. Hassibi

2009 - ISIT 2009 in Seoul, Korea
Capacity region of the deterministic multi-pair bi-directional relay network

A. S. Avestimehr | A. Khajehnejad | A. Sezgin | B. Hassibi

2009 - ITW 2009 in Volos, Greece


On the Noisy Interference Regime of the MISO Gaussian Interference Channel

B. Bandemer | A. Sezgin | A. Paulraj

2008 - Asilomar CSSC 2008, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
Mobility Dependent Feedback Scheme for point-to-point MIMO Systems

G. Vazquez-Vilar | V. Majjigi | A. Sezgin | A. Paulraj

2008 - Asilomar CSSC 2008, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
Tile based MIMO OFDMA systems: Impact of outdated feedback

A. Sezgin | E. A. Joswieck | B. Bandemer | A. Paulraj

2008 - Asilomar CSSC 2008, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
A Low-Complexity Algorithm for Antenna Selection in Space-Time Block Coded Systems

C.-Y. Chen | A. Sezgin | J. M. Cioffi | A. Paulraj

2008 - GLOBECOM 2007, Washington, DC, USA
Approximate capacity of the two-way relay channel: A deterministic approach

A. S. Avestimehr | A. Sezgin | D. Tse

2008 - Allerton 2008, 46. Allerton Conf. On Comm., Control, and Computing 2008, Monticello, Illinois, USA
Interference Limited Broadcast: Role of Interferer Geometry

S. Pereira | A. Sezgin | A. Paulraj | G. C. Papanicolaou

2008 - SIT 2008, Toronto, Canada
Feedback Reduction in Uplink MIMO OFDM Systems by Chunk Optimization

E. A. Joswieck | A. Sezgin | B. Ottersten | A. Paulraj

2008 - ICC 2008, Beijing, China
Where to place interferers in a wireless network

A. Sezgin | E. A. Joswieck | A. Paulraj

2008 - ITW 2008, Porto, Portugal
Guaranteed Performance Region in Fading Orthogonal Space-Time Coded Broadcast Channels

E. A. Joswieck | A. Sezgin | B. Ottersten | A. Paulraj

2008 - EURASIP Journal on Wireless Comm.and Networking, Special Issue "Theory and Applications in Multiuser/Multiterminal Comm."
Interaction between scheduling and user locations in an OSTBC coded downlink system

A. Sezgin | E. A. Joswieck | M. Charafeddine

2008 - 7th International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding 2008, Ulm, Germany


Impact of correlation on linear precoding in QSTBC coded systems with linear MSE detection

A. Sezgin | M. Vu | A. Paulraj

2007 - GLOBECOM 2007, Washington, DC, USA
Diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of stacked cyclic delay diversity schemes

A. Sezgin | M. Charafeddine | S. Pereira | A. Paulraj

2007 - 45. Allerton Conf. On Comm., Control, and Computing 2007, Monticello, Illinois, USA
Rate Region Frontiers for n-user Interference Channel with Interference as Noise

M. Charafeddine | A. Sezgin | A. Paulraj

2007 - 45. Allerton Conf. On Comm., Control, and Computing 2007, Monticello, Illinois, USA
On the ergodic sum-rate performance of CDD in multi-user systems

A. Sezgin | M. Charafeddine | A. Paulraj

2007 - ITW 2007, Lake Tahoe, California, USA
SOS-Based blind channel estimation in multiuser space-time block coded systems

J. Via | I. Santamaria | A. Sezgin | A. Paulraj

2007 - EUSIPCO 2007, Poznan, Poland
Guaranteed Performance Region in Fading Orthogonal Space-Time Coded Broadcast Channels

E. A. Joswieck | B. Ottersten | A. Sezgin | A. Paulraj

2007 - ISIT 2007, Nice, France
SOS-Based Blind Channel Estimation Under Space-Time Block Coded Transmissions

J. Via | I. Santamaria | A. Sezgin | A. Paulraj

2007 - SPAWC 2007, Helsinki, Finland
Dynamic User Grouping and Shared Frequency Resource Assignment Strategies for OFDMA

A. Giovanidis | A. Sezgin | U. Mönich | D. Kim

2007 - VTC-Spring 2007, Dublin, Ireland
The Impact of different MIMO Strategies on the Network-Outage Performance

C. Schnurr | S. Stanczak | A. Sezgin

2007 - WSA 2007, Vienna, Austria
A General Framework for Concave/Convex Interference Coordination Problems and Network Utility Optimization

H. Boche | M. Schubert | E. A. Joswieck | A. Sezgin

2007 - WSA 2007, Vienna, Austria


On Mutual Information of Stacked OSTBC

A. Sezgin

2006 - GLOBECOM 2006, San Francisco, CA, USA
Calculus for MIMO Multiuser Performance Measures

H. Boche | E. A. Joswieck | A. Sezgin

2006 - ASILOMAR CSSC 2006, Pacific, CA, USA
Throughput Analysis of Diversity and Multiplexing Schemes for MIMO-SIC OFDM systems

A. Sezgin | M. Schellmann | V. Jungnickel | E. Costa

2006 - ASILOMAR CSSC 2006, Pacific, CA, USA
Multiuser Scheduling using Equal Power in Allocated Subcarriers for OFDM Uplink

A. Giovanidis | T. Hadisusanto | D. Kim

2006 - ASILOMAR CSSC 2006, Pacific, CA, USA
Rate-Maximized Switching Between Spatial Transmission Modes

M. Schellmann | V. Jungnickel | A. Sezgin | E. Costa

2006 - ASILOMAR CSSC 2006, Pacific, CA, USA
On the tradeoff between feedback signaling and performance for tile based MIMO-OFDMA systems

E. A. Joswieck | A. Sezgin | Y. Gao | D. Kim

2006 - WPMC 2006, San Diego, CA, USA
Performance of the WiMAX Ranging Process in high mobility environments

M. Schellmann | A. Sezgin | G. Wunder | H. Halbauer | R. Muenzner

2006 - WPMC 2006, San Diego, CA, USA
On the impact of mobility on the channel estimation in WiMAX OFDMA-Uplink

A. Sezgin | P. Jung | M. Schellmann | H. Halbauer | R. Muenzner

2006 - PIMRC 2006, Helsinki, Finland
Multiuser MIMO MAC with Statistical CSI and MMSE Receiver: Feedback Strategies and Transmitter Optimization

E. A. Joswieck | A. Sezgin | H. Boche | E. Costa

2006 - IWCMC 2006, Vancouver, Canada
On the average rate of precoded QSTBC in MIMO channels with Non-Zero Mean

A. Sezgin | E. A. Joswieck | H. Boche

2006 - SPAWC 2006, Cannes, France
Utilizing Channel Mean Information with MMSE detection for LDC in MIMO systems

A. Sezgin | E. A. Joswieck | H. Boche | E. Costa

2006 - ISIT 2006, Seattle, Washington
Outage probability of OSTBC: Optimal Transmit Strategy and Suboptimality of Odd Number of Transmit Antennas

E. A. Joswieck | A. Sezgin | H. Boche

2006 - ICASSP 2006, Toulouse, France


Capacity, BER and Coding Gain Analysis for Rate One QSTBC: A general approach

A. Sezgin | O. Henkel

2005 - ASILOMAR CSSC 2005, Pacific Grove, CA USA
On the performance of Partial feedback based Orthogonal Block Coding

A. Sezgin | E. A. Joswieck

2005 - VTC 2005-Fall, Dallas, Texas, USA
Optimal transmit strategies for QSTBC in MIMO Ricean Channels with Linear Detection

A. Sezgin | E. A. Joswieck | E. Costa

2005 - PIMRC 2005, Berlin, Germany
Joint Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding with Orthogonal Space Time Block Codes for Multiuser MIMO OFDM Systems

D. Wang | E. A. Joswieck | A. Sezgin | E. Costa

2005 - VTC 2005-Spring, Stockholm, Sweden


Antenna Selection with Capacity-Approaching Space-Time Block Codes

A. Sezgin | T. J. Oechtering

2004 - ASILOMAR CSSC 2004, Pacific Grove, CA USA
On the Outage probability of Quasi- Orthogonal Space-Time Codes

A. Sezgin | T. J. Oechtering

2004 - TW 2004, San Antonio, Texas, USA
Optimal transmit strategies in MIMO Ricean Channels with MMSE Receiver

E. A. Joswieck | A. Sezgin | H. Boche | E. Costa

2004 - VTC 2004-Fall, Los Angeles, CA USA
Lattice-Reduction Aided Detection: Spatial Multiplexing versus Quasi-Orthogonal STBC

A. Sezgin | E. A. Joswieck | E. Costa

2004 - VTC 2004-Fall, Los Angeles, CA USA
A new resource efficient transmission scheme for Cooperative Systems

A. Sezgin | T. J. Oechtering

2004 - IEEE Intern. Workshop on SPAWC, Lisbon, Portugal
A new Cooperative Transmission Scheme using the Space-Time Delay Code

T. J. Oechtering | A. Sezgin

2004 - ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, Munich, Germany
On EXIT-Chart analysis of coherent and non-coherent Space-Time Codes

A. Sezgin | E. A. Joswieck | H. Boche

2004 - ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, Munich, Germany


Performance criteria analysis and further performance results for quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes

A. Sezgin | E. A. Joswieck | H. Boche

2003 - ISSPIT 2003, Darmstadt, Germany
Iterative decoding of low-complexity space-time codes

A. Sezgin | H. Boche

2003 - PIMRC, Beijing, China
On EXIT-charts for Space-Time Block Codes

A. Sezgin | D. Wübben | R. Böhnke | V. Kühn

2003 - ISIT 2003, Yokohama, Japan
Maximum diversity detection for layered space-time codes

A. Sezgin | E. A. Joswieck

2003 - VTC 2003-Spring, pp. 833 -837, Jeju, Korea
On Optimal Constellations for Quasi- Orthogonal Space-Time Codes

A. Sezgin | E. A. Joswieck

2003 - ICASSP 2003, vol. IV, pp. 345-348, Hong Kong, China
Analysis of mapping strategies for turbo-coded space-time block codes

A. Sezgin | D. Wübben | V. Kühn

2003 - ITW 2003, pp.103-106, Paris, France
Analysis of Turbo-Coded MIMO-Systems for noncoherent communication using EXIT-Charts

A. Sezgin | E. A. Joswieck | P. Jung

2003 - CISS 2003, Baltimore, MD USA


Joint Decoding and Channel Estimation for Low-complexity STC

A. Sezgin | E. A. Joswieck

2002 - ASILOMAR CSSC 2002, pp. 546 -550, Pacific Grove, CA USA






RIS-Aided Bistatic Radar for Rapid NLOS Sensing in the Teraharetz Band

F. Ilgac | E. Cisija | A. Mostafa Ibrahim Ahmed | Musa Furkan Keskin | A. Sezgin | Henk Wymeersch

2024 - submitted to IEEE Access
Resilience and Criticality: Brothers in Arms for 6G

R. Reifert | Y. Karacora | Christina Chaccour | A. Sezgin | Walid Saad

2024 - Submitted to IEEE for possible publication


Path Loss Modeling of RFID Backscatter Channels With Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface: Experimental Validation

Mohammed El-Absi | Ali Alhaj Abbas | Deeb Tubail | F. Ilgac | Ashraf Abuelhaija | Yamen Zantah | Author image of Salama Ikki Salama Ikki | A. Sezgin | Thomas Kaiser

2023 - IEEE Access
Event-Based Beam Tracking With Dynamic Beamwidth Adaptation in Terahertz (THz) Communications

Y. Karacora | Christina Chaccour | A. Sezgin | Walid Saad

2023 - IEEE Transactions on Communications
Comeback Kid: Resilience for Mixed-Critical Wireless Network Resource Management

R. Reifert | S. Roth | A. Alameer Ahmad | A. Sezgin

2023 - IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
IRS-enabled Breath Tracking with Colocated Commodity WiFi Transceivers

S. Tewes | Markus Heinrichs | Rainer Kronberger | A. Sezgin

2023 - IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Rate-Splitting and Common Message Decoding in Hybrid Cloud/Mobile Edge Computing Networks

R. Reifert | Hayssam Dahrouj | A. Alameer Ahmad | A. Sezgin | Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri | Basem Shihada | Mohamed-Slim Alouini

2023 - IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications


Approximative Threshold Optimization from Single Antenna to Massive SIMO Authentication

S. Roth | A. Sezgin | R. Bessel | H. V. Poor

2022 - IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology
Toward Resilience in Mixed Critical Industrial Control Systems: A Multi-disciplinary View

R. Reifert | Martin Krawczyk-Becker | Laurin Prenzel | Svyatoslav Pavlichkov | Mohammad Al Khatib | Sandesh Athni Hiremath | M. Al-Askary | Naim Bajcinca | Sebastian Steinhorst | A. Sezgin

2022 - IEEE Access
IRS-assisted MISO System with Phase Noise: Channel Estimation and Power Scaling Laws

C. Li | Marcel van Delden | A. Sezgin | Thomas Musch | Zhu Han

2022 - 2022 - IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Robust Transceiver Design for IRS-Assisted Cascaded MIMO Communication Systems

H. Esmaeili | A. Kariminezhad | A. Sezgin

2022 - Sensors Special Issue on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided MIMO Systems: Challenges and Trends
Distributed Resource Management in Downlink Cache-Enabled Multi-Cloud Radio Access Networks

R. Reifert | A. Alameer Ahmad | Hayssam Dahrouj | A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin | Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri | Mohamed-Slim Alouini

2022 - IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Synergistic Benefits in IRS- and RS-Enabled C-RAN With Energy-Efficient Clustering

K. Weinberger | A. Alameer Ahmad | A. Sezgin | Alessio Zappone

2022 - IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Deep Unfolding of Iteratively Reweighted ADMM for Wireless RF Sensing

U. Miriya Thanthrige | Peter Jung | A. Sezgin

2022 - MDPI Sensors: Special Issue Machine and Deep Learning in Sensing and Imaging: Emerging Trends, Challenges and Opportunities


Short Blocklength Process Monitoring and Scheduling: Resolution and Data Freshness

S. Roth | Ahmed Arafa | A. Sezgin | H. Vincent Poor

2021 - IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Clutter Suppression for Indoor Self-Localization Systems by Iteratively Reweighted Low-Rank Plus Sparse Recovery

Jesús Sánchez-Pastor | U. Miriya Thanthrige | F. Ilgac | Alejandro Jiménez-Sáez | Peter Jung | A. Sezgin | Rolf Jakoby

2021 - Sensors: Special Issue Sensors in Indoor Positioning Systems
Rate-Splitting Multiple Access in Cache-Aided Cloud-Radio Access Networks

R. Reifert | A. Alameer Ahmad | Yijie Mao | A. Sezgin | Bruno Clerckx

2021 - Frontiers in Communications and Networks
Location-Privacy Leakage and Integrated Solutions for 5G Cellular Networks and Beyond

Stefano Tomasin | Marco Centenaro | Gonzalo Seco-Granados | S. Roth | A. Sezgin

2021 - MDPI Sensors
Localization Attack by Precoder Feedback Overhearing in 5G Networks and Countermeasures

S. Roth | Stefano Tomasin | Marco Maso | A. Sezgin

2021 - IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications


Characterization of Dielectric Materials by Sparse Signal Processing with Iterative Dictionary Updates

U. Miriya Thanthrige | Jan Barowski | Ilona Rolfes | Daniel Erni | Thomas Kaiser | A. Sezgin | .

2020 - IEEE Sensor Letters
Uplink-Downlink Tradeoff in Secure Distributed Matrix Multiplication

J. Kakar | Anton Khristoforov | Seyedhamed Ebadifar | A. Sezgin

2020 - submitted to IEEE Transactions on Communications
Deep Learning for Direction of Arrival Estimation via Emulation of Large Antenna Arrays

A. Mostafa Ibrahim Ahmed | U. Miriya Thanthrige | Aly Elgamal | A. Sezgin

2020 - IEEE Communications Letters
Toward Mobile Integrated Electronic Systems at THz Frequencies

Philipp Hillger | Marcel van Delden | U. Miriya Thanthrige | A. Mostafa Ibrahim Ahmed | Jonathan Wittemeier | Khaled Arzi | Marcel Andree | Benedikt Sievert | Werner Prost | Andreas Rennings | Daniel Erni | Thomas Musch | Nils Weimann | A. Sezgin | Nils Pohl | Ullrich R. Pfeiffer

2020 - Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves


Cache-Assisted Broadcast-Relay Wireless Networks: A Delivery-Time Cache-Memory Tradeoff

J. Kakar | A. Alameer Ahmad | A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin | Arogyaswami Paulraj

2019 - IEEE Access
Interference Mitigation via Rate-Splitting and Common Message Decoding in Cloud Radio Access Network

A. Alameer Ahmad | A. Sezgin

2019 - submitted to IEEE Access
State-Space Adaptive Nonlinear Self-Interference Cancellation for Full-Duplex Communication

H. Vogt | Gerald Enzner | A. Sezgin

2019 - accepted at IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
Full-Duplex Versus Half-Duplex Secret-Key Generation

H. Vogt | Z. Awan | A. Sezgin

2019 - IEEE Transactions on Communications


Heterogeneous Multi-Tier Networks: Improper Signaling For Joint Rate-Energy Optimization

A. Kariminezhad | A. Sezgin

2018 - Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Maximizing Information Extraction of Extended Radar Targets Through MIMO Beamforming

A. Mostafa Ibrahim Ahmed | A. Alameer Ahmad | Daniel Erni | A. Sezgin

2018 - IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
Hierarchical decision model for throughput maximization in D2D-enabled LTE-WiFi HetNets

A. Sezgin

2018 - Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Wiley & Sons


A Survey on Robust Interference Management in Wireless Networks

J. Kakar | A. Sezgin

2017 - Special Issue Network Information Theory (Invited)
Fundamental Limits on Delivery Time in Cloud- and Cache-Aided Heterogeneous Networks

J. Kakar | S. Gherekhloo | A. Sezgin

2017 - Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Latency-Limited Broadcast Channel with Cache-Equipped Helpers

S. Gherekhloo | A. Sezgin

2017 - Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transaction for wireless communications
Optimal Power Splitting for Simultaneous Information Detection and Energy Harvesting

A. Kariminezhad | S. Gherekhloo | A. Sezgin

2017 - Accepted for publication in IEEE Signal Processing Letters


Three-Way Channels with Multiple Unicast Sessions: Capacity Approximation via Network Transformation

A. Chaaban | Henning Maier | A. Sezgin | Rudolf Mathar

2016 - IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 62, no. 12
Expanded GDoF-optimality Regime of Treating Interference as Noise in the M × 2 X-Channel

S. Gherekhloo | A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2016 - IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Cooperation for interference management: A GDoF perspective

S. Gherekhloo | A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2016 - Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
On SDoF of Multi-Receiver Wiretap Channel With Alternating CSIT

Z. Awan | Abdellatif Zaidi | A. Sezgin

2016 - IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, Vol. 11, No 8, pp.1780-1795, Aug. 2016
Individual Secrecy for Broadcast Channels with Receiver Side Information

Y. Chen | O. Ozan Koyluoglu | A. Sezgin

2016 - IEEE Transactions of Information Theory, in revision
(Sub-)optimality of treating interference as noise in the cellular uplink with weak interference

S. Gherekhloo | A. Chaaban | Chen Di | A. Sezgin

2016 - IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. 62(1), pp.322 - 356


Cyclic Communication and the Inseparability of MIMO Multi-way Relay Channels

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2015 - IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 61 (12), 6734-6750
Individual Secrecy for the Broadcast Channel

Y. Chen | O Ozan Koyluoglu | A. Sezgin

2015 - submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Multi-hop Relaying: An End-to-End Delay Analysis

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2015 - IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications,
Broadcasting Into the Uncertainty: Authentication and Confidentiality by Physical-Layer Processing

E.A. Jorswieck | S. Tomasin | A. Sezgin

2015 - Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 103(10), pp. 1702 - 1724
Interplay Between Delayed CSIT and Network Topology for Secure MISO BC

Z. Awan | A. Sezgin

2015 - submitted to IEEE Trans. on information theory
The Approximate Capacity Region of the Gaussian Y-Channel via the Deterministic Approach

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2015 - IEEE Trans. on Info. Theory, vol. 61, no. 2, Feb. 2015


The Approximate Capacity Region of the $K$-user Gaussian Interference Channel with Strong Interference

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2014 - IEEE Trans. on Info. Theory (submitted)


Approximate Sum Capacity of the Y-Channel

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin | A. S. Avestimehr

2013 - IEEE Trans. on Info. Theory, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 5723-5740
Achieving Net Feedback Gain in the Linear-Deterministic Butterfly Network with a Full-Duplex Relay

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin | D. Tuninetti

2013 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 7777 (in Memory of Rudolf Ahlswede), pp. 167–208


On the Generalized Degrees of Freedom of the Gaussian Interference Relay Channel

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2012 - IEEE Trans. on Info. Theory, vol. 58, no. 7, pp. 4432-4461
Achievable and Crystallized Rate Regions of the Interference Channel with Interference as Noise

M. Charafeddine | A. Sezgin | Z. Han | A. Paulraj

2012 - IEEE Trans. on Wireless Comm., vol. 11, no. 3, 1100-1111


Divide-and-conquer: Approaching the capacity of the two-pair bidirectional Gaussian relay network

A. Sezgin | A. S. Avestimehr | M. Amin Khajehnejad | Babak Hassibi

2011 - IEEE Transactions on Information Theory


Capacity of the two-way relay channel within a constant gap

A. S. Avestimehr | A. Sezgin | D. Tse

2010 - European Transactions in Telecommunications


Generalized partial feedback based Orthogonal Block Coding

A. Sezgin | G. Altay | A. Paulraj

2009 - IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications


Throughput versus Fairness: Channel-Aware Scheduling in Multiple Antenna Downlink

E. Jorswieck | A. Sezgin | X. Zhang

2008 - Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
On the relation of OSTBC and code rate one QSTBC: Average Rate, BER and Coding Gain

A. Sezgin | E. A. Jorswieck | O. Henkel | S. Pereira | A. Paulraj

2008 - IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 56, no.10, pp. 4879-4891
Complete Characterization of the Equivalent MIMO Channel for Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Codes

A. Sezgin | T. J. Oechtering

2008 - IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol.54, no. 7, pp. 3315-3326
Antenna Selection in Space-Time Block Coded Systems: Performance Analysis and Low-Complexity Algorithm

C.-Y. Chen | A. Sezgin | J. M. Cioffi | A. Paulraj

2008 - IIEEE Transcactions on Signal Processing, vol.56, no. 7, pp. 3303-3314
Feedback Reduction in Uplink MIMO OFDM Systems by Chunk Optimization

E. A. Joswieck | A. Sezgin | B. Ottersten | A. Paulraj

2008 - EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Special Issue "MIMO Transmission with Limited Feedback", vol. 2008, Article ID 597072
LDC in MIMO Ricean Channels: Optimal transmit strategy with MMSE detection

A. Sezgin | E. A. Jorswieck | E. Costa

2008 - IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.56, no.1, pp. 313-328


Stacked OSTBC: Error Performance and Rate Analysis

A. Sezgin | O. Henkel

2007 - IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.55, no.9, pp. 4599-4611
Performance optimization of Open-loop MIMO systems with Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes

A. Sezgin | E. A. Jorswieck | H. Boche

2007 - IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.14, no. 1, pp. 13-16


Tight upper bound on the outage probability of QSTBC

A. Sezgin | E. A. Jorswieck

2006 - IEEE Communications Letters, vol.10, no.11, pp. 784-786


Impact of the mapping strategy on the performance of APP decoded space-time block codes

A. Sezgin | E. A. Jorswieck

2005 - IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.53, no.12, pp. 4685- 4690
Capacity Achieving High Rate Space-Time Block Codes

A. Sezgin | E. A. Jorswieck

2005 - IEEE Communications Letters, vol.9, no. 5, pp. 435-437
Iterative decoding of Wrapped Space-Time Codes

A. Sezgin | H. Boche

2005 - IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1937- 1941


Impact of Spatial Correlation on the Performance of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes

E. A. Jorswieck | A. Sezgin

2004 - IEEE Communications Letters, vol.8, no.1, pp.21-23




MISO Wiretap Channel With Strictly Causal CSI: A Topological Viewpoint

Z. Awan | A. Sezgin

2016 - Information Theoretic Security and Privacy of Information Systems, Cambridge University Press
The Information-Theoretic Constant-Gap Optimality of Treating Interference as Noise in Interference Networks

S. Gherekhloo | A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2016 - Communications in Interference Limited Networks, pp 75-95, Springer, 2016


Multi-way Communications: An Information Theoretic Perspective

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2015 - Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory, Vol. 12, No. 3-4 (2015) 185–370, Now Publishers Inc.


Information Theoretical Limits on Cognitive Radio Networks

A. Chaaban | A. Sezgin

2011 - in print, Scientific Research Publishing


Cooperative Communications for Improved Wireless Network Transmission

A. Sezgin | E. A. Jorswieck

2008 - chapter on “Majorization in Space-Time Cooperative Communications”, IGI Global